[R] rlm and lmrob error messages

Susanne Komhard susanne.komhard at ise.fraunhofer.de
Wed May 14 15:18:49 CEST 2008

Hello all,

I'm using R2.7.0 (on Windows 2000) and I'm trying do run a robust 
regression on following model structure:

model = "Y ~ x1*x2 / (x3 + x4 + x5 +x6)"

where x1 and  x2 are both factors (either 1 or 0) and x3.....x6 are numeric.
The error code I get when running rlm(as.formula(model), data=daymean) is:

error in rlm.default(x, y, weights, method = method, wt.method = 
wt.method,  :
  'x' is singular: singular fits are not implemented in rlm

As singular.ok = TRUE is default with lmrob from the robustbase package, 
I tried running the model using lmrob, but I get following error message

Too many singular resamples
Aborting fast_s()

error in lmrob.S(x = x, y = y, control = control) :
  C function R_lmrob_S() exited prematurely

I don't understand what the error messages mean, especially in the case 
of lmrob and greatly appreciate any help or ideas as to what might cause 
the error. The model works fine with lm.

Kind regards,


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