[R] Negative Binomial Model

Mike Ryckman ryckman at arizona.edu
Wed May 14 11:01:52 CEST 2008


I am trying to run a negative binomial regression model in R and can't get
standard errors to match the output I get from the Stata nbreg command. I've
tried a few different options but haven't had much luck. The closest I've

gamlss(formula, family = NBI, sigma.formula = ~ 1,data=dataframe)

...But this is still a little off most of the time and pretty far off at
times (compared with the Stata output). The glm.nb from the MASS package
produces the correct coefficients, but different (usually very different)
standard errors.

Could anybody explain this and point me in the right direction? I'd really
appreciate it.

Thank you,

Mike Ryckman
Department of Political Science
University of Arizona

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