[R] Repeated measures on a split-plot experiment

James Hudson jmghudson at gmail.com
Tue May 13 20:40:10 CEST 2008

Please advise the proper format for coding the random effects of a
split-plot experiment WITH repeated measures. I have been unable to
figure out how to use either lme or lmer's "grouping" to properly
assign the error terms. I am measuring univariate responses.

Here is the set-up:
WP - whole plot factor
SP - split-plot factor
SSP - split-split-plot factor, also the repeated measure (time)
Plot - replicates of each SSP treatment

How do I combine the split-plot effects with the repeated measures [
Time|Plot(WP*SP)  ] effect into a random statement?

James Hudson
UBC Geography
Vancouver, Canada

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