[R] Problem with odfWeave: Unescaped '<' not allowed in attributes values

Max Kuhn mxkuhn at gmail.com
Tue May 13 19:05:28 CEST 2008


>  I am using the current version of odfWeave (0.7.5). The thing is, the file
>  processed just fine in a previous version (0.7.3). Does anyone have any
>  suggestion how to deal with this? I am now kind of locked since I cannot
>  reproduce a report I was working on...

What version of the XML package are you using? What version of R etc?

There have been some changes to the XML package lately where encodings
are handled differently. This affects you since OO (and other word
processors) sometimes substitute "smart quotes" for regular quotes.
For example:


instead of


(some dashes also get converted to long dashes)

These characters will cause the R parser to choke. I had previously
coded around this, but interactions between odfWeave and XML are
subverting those error traps (but I it still works on Linux and OS X,
depending on your default encoding).

I'm working on a fix that will accomplish the same thing so you won't
have to deal with these characters (as before)

Try searching through your to code chunks and Sexpr in your document
for these characters and convert them to their usual analogs. Most
applications with "smart quotes" allow you to turn them off.

Also, it is generally better to contact the package maintainer in
situations like these.

If you still have issues after changing the characters, please let me know.


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