[R] Random number generation

Karl Ove Hufthammer Karl.Hufthammer at math.uib.no
Tue May 13 16:22:59 CEST 2008

Esmail Bonakdarian:

>> you could always run your R scripts through the C preproccessor and
> > have it strip the block comments for you.
> Too much work, call me old school, but I like the computer do work for me,
> rather than the other way around

Most editors (and every editor worth using) supports block-commenting via a
keyboard shortcut. For instance, in KDE-based editors, such as Kwrite, Kate
and RKward (the latter is a KDE-based GUI for R), you can just select the
lines you want to comment and press 'Ctrl + D' to comment them, or 'Shift +
Ctrl + D' to uncomment them.

Karl Ove Hufthammer

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