[R] Collection of lm()s

Chip Barnaby cbarnaby at wrightsoft.com
Mon May 12 15:43:00 CEST 2008


I would like to create a subscriptable collection (presumably a list) 
of lm() models.

I have a data frame DX containing 6 groups of data.  The general idea 
is (NOT RUN) ...

for (i in 1:6)
{       DXS = subset( DX, <whatever>);
         LMX[ i] = lm( <formula>, data = DXS);

Now access model results by subscript ... e.g. coefficients( LMX[ 
2]).  Or would it be [[ 2]]?

I have experimented with various schemes, attempting to 
"pre-allocate" a list etc. without success.

Also, I assume that lm() does not make a copy of input data?  That 
is, if I want "predict( LMX[ i])", I would have to retain a copy the 
associated DXS subsets?


Chip Barnaby

Chip Barnaby                   cbarnaby at wrightsoft.com
Vice President of Research
Wrightsoft Corp.               781-862-8719 x118 voice
131 Hartwell Ave               781-861-2058 fax
Lexington, MA 02421         www.wrightsoft.com

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