[R] Cumulative lattice histograms

Dieter Menne dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Mon May 12 11:36:20 CEST 2008

Ola Caster <ola.caster <at> gmail.com> writes:

> It's fairly straightforward to plot cumulative histograms using the hist()
> function. You do something like:
> h <- hist(rnorm(100), plot=FALSE)
> h$counts<- cumsum(h$counts)
> plot(h)
> However, I have failed to find any example where this is done using the
> lattice histogram() function. 

This is not a full solution to your problem with the red line, but at least
comes close (hope so) to your original hist with lattic

h = sort(rnorm(100),decreasing=TRUE)
df = data.frame(h=h,cum=cumsum(h))


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