[R] substitute in graphics - Uwe's help desk
Uwe Ligges
ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Sun May 11 18:50:18 CEST 2008
Gustave Lefou wrote:
> Thank to both of you.
> I found an interesting document by Uwe Ligges in Rnews December 2002 (Vol
> 2/3)
> The following seems encouraging
> x=seq(1,180,by=1)
> beta=10
> eta=5
> plot(x,log(x),type="p",xlab="x",ylab="h(x)",main=substitute("Failure rate "
> * eta==myeta * "," * beta ,list(myeta=eta,mybeta=beta)) )
> but then it fails :
> x=seq(1,180,by=1)
> beta=10
> eta=5
> plot(x,log(x),type="p",xlab="x",ylab="h(x)",main=substitute("Failure rate
> from W(" * eta==myeta * "," * beta==mybeta , ")"
> ,list(myeta=eta,mybeta=beta)) )
> Any idea ?
Yes, Uwe's idea is that you need to provide valid S expressions, and it
is invalid to do more than one comparison (e.g. using "==") in a row:
R> 1 == 2 == 3
Error: unexpected '==' in "1 == 2 =="
but you may do:
R> {1 == 2} == 3
which is nonsense but at least valid.
So let us make it valid for your code as well:
plot(x, log(x), type="p", xlab="x", ylab="h(x)",
main = substitute("Failure rate from W(" * {eta == myeta} *
"," * {beta == mybeta} * ")",
list(myeta = eta, mybeta = beta)))
Uwe Ligges
> Thank you very much
> 2008/5/9 Henrique Dallazuanna <wwwhsd at gmail.com>:
>> Try this:
>> plot(x, log(x),
>> xlab = "x", ylab = "h(x)",
>> main = bquote(Failure~rate~from~W(eta == .(eta), beta == .(beta)))
>> On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 11:31 AM, Gustave Lefou <gustave5000 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have to do a few graphics of the same function and this function is
>>> parametrized by two arguments.
>>> What I would like is to be able to change the value of these two arguments
>>> without changing the plot command. So as to copy paste.
>>> I tried the following :
>>> x=1:100
>>> eta=10
>>> beta=5
>>> plot(x,h(x),xlab="x",ylab="h(x)",main=substitute( expression(
>>> paste("Failure
>>> rate from",W(eta==myeta,beta==mybeta) ) ) ,list(myeta=eta,mybeta=beta) )
>>> )
>>> But it doesn't work. It's written "expression ( Failure rate from
>>> W(eta=10,)
>>> ..." on the plot with eta as a greek letter.
>>> Thank you very much !
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>> --
>> Henrique Dallazuanna
>> Curitiba-Paraná-Brasil
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