[R] list manipulation
Thompson, David (MNR)
David.John.Thompson at ontario.ca
Tue May 6 20:35:54 CEST 2008
I have a set of one-liners (many thanks to previous responses from this
list) that I use to look at newly imported data sets with functions like
dim(), names(), str(), etc. within lapply(). Generally, these commands
work for me but, I am apparently still missing some aspect of list
manipulation. I don't understand why I get a set of NULL list elements
at the end of each output as demonstrated below. How can I generate this
(and similar) result(s) without all the trailing NULLs?
> lapply(ls(pattern='bn'), function(x) cat(x, dim(get(x)), "\t",
names(get(x)), "\n"))
bn1993 2885 11 oplt rplt rsiz tree bd ht oaz odst raz rdst spr
bn1994 3158 7 oplt tree bd ht spr stat dam
bn1995 734 7 oplt tree bd ht spr stat dam
bn1996 293 7 oplt tree bd ht spr stat dam
bn1997 264 7 oplt tree bd ht spr stat dam
bn1998 768 7 oplt tree bd ht spr stat dam
bn1999 654 7 oplt tree bd ht dbh stat dam
bn2003 1407 9 oplt tree bd94 ht94 ht99 ht02 ht03 stat dam
Thanx, DaveT.
Silviculture Data Analyst
Ontario Forest Research Institute
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
david.john.thompson at ontario.ca
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