[R] Stacked bar plot anomaly When column contains a negative and a positive value

Murray Richardson murray.richardson at utoronto.ca
Sat May 3 22:16:07 CEST 2008

Hello all

Please ignore this last post as I now realize it is because the stacked 
components are summed, as they should be.  I needed the columns to be 
stacked but not summed so just plotted the two series separately with add=T


Murray Richardson

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Stacked bar plot anomaly When column contains a negative and a 
positive value
Date: 	Sat, 03 May 2008 15:29:41 -0400
From: 	Murray Richardson <murray.richardson at utoronto.ca>
To: 	r-help at R-project.org

Hello users,

I've noticed a problem when creating a stacked column plot when a column 
contains a negative and a positive value.  e.g.

series1<-c(-1,-2, 3, 4, 5)
series2<-c( 5, -4,-3,-2, 1)
barplot(as.matrix(data), beside=FALSE)

In these cases (i.e. first, third and fifth columns) the plotting is not 
handled correctly. Compare this output with that of:

barplot(as.matrix(data), beside=TRUE)

Shouldn't the plots look the same except in the beside=FALSE scenario 
the constituent bars should not be juxtaposed but instead are one on top 
of the other?

Thanks for any advice!

Murray Richardson

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