[R] panel function question

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 22:06:40 CET 2008

On 3/27/08, Weidong Gu <wgu at uab.edu> wrote:
> I have two data sets with locations, X, Y of houses (df.house) and
>  habitats(df.habitat), respectively. In each dataset, there are 3
>  replicates (Repeat). Because each replicate has different locations of
>  houses and habitats, I would like to plot them in panels. I wrote
>  something like this:
>  mypanel<-function(x,y,subscripts,...){
>   panel.xyplot(x,y,pch=20)
>  panel.xyplot( df.habitat$X[subscripts], df.habitat$Y[subscripts], pch=3)
>   }
>  with(df.house, xyplot(X~Y|Repeat, panel=mypanel, subscripts=T))
>  But the problem is that all habitats from 3 replicates are ended in one
>  panel.
>  Any help would be appreciated.

A reproducible example would have helped; I don't think I understand
what exactly you want to produce. As a general rule though, it's
usually easier to do things if you have a single data frame, which in
this case might be produced by

combined <- make.groups(df.house, df.habitat)

This will have a new variable called 'which' indicating the source,
and you could use this variable in your call.


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