[R] Latentnet Data Import

Ben Morley me at benmorley.com
Wed Mar 26 12:15:31 CET 2008

Hello everone,

I am a computer science researcher in the UK - and have a quick question regarding importing data into R and more specifically latentnet.

I am trying to import data such as a text file containing: (This is based on the Sampson data set)


Network attributes:
   vertices = 3 
   directed = TRUE 
    hyper = FALSE 
   loops = FALSE 
   multiple = FALSE 
    total edges= 3 

 Vertex attribute names: 
    group vertex.names 

 edgelist matrix:
      [,1] [,2]
 [1,]     3    1
 [2,]    2    1
 [3, ]    3    2


What command should I use to import this data? I have attempted many such as "read.delim" and "read.table" - but either an error message is returned, or the strings in the data (such as edges=3) appear to become objects that are analysed by the latentnet functions such as 'ergmm'.

I look forward to your replys,

Many thanks



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