[R] deconv

Ferran Carrascosa ferran.carrascosa at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 08:50:24 CET 2008

I'm translating a matlab routine to R and I need some equivalent to deconv():

Description: deconv()
[q,r] = deconv(v,u) deconvolves vector u out of vector v, using long
division. The quotient is returned in vector q and the remainder in
vector r such that v = conv(u,q)+r .

If u and v are vectors of polynomial coefficients, convolving them is
equivalent to multiplying the two polynomials, and deconvolution is
polynomial division. The result of dividing v by u is quotient q and
remainder r.

I'll agree some help on the translation of this operator to R.

Thanks in advance

Ferran Carrascosa

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