[R] parmat error from MASS?

john polo john.polo at earthlink.net
Tue Mar 11 00:25:52 CET 2008

i'm in the midst of using R for a PVA/matrix project. my math skills are 
lousy and programming skills are worse. to deal with an error that i 
couldn't solve, i changed a parameter that used a new part of a routine 
in our PVA package's code:

else if (ES == "ParDraw") {


(previously, ES was "MatrixDraw" and MASS wasn't called for)
now, i get the following error:

Error in apply(parmat, 1, mean) : dim(X) must have a positive length

there is no code in the PVA package routines that has a line that says 
"apply(parmat, 1, mean)" or parmat or the format "(____, 1, mean)".  
that's why i think the error has something to do with MASS. i tried to 
update MASS, but had problems with that. i've searched for parmat. i 
looked through the MASS documentation for parmat. i don't know what it 
is or how to change whatever is affecting parmat.

i'm using RGui from version 2.6.0 on an XP machine.


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