[R] Script to start Rcmdr

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Mon Mar 3 15:55:52 CET 2008

On Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 10:13:53AM -0300, Ronaldo Reis Junior wrote:
> Hi,
> anybody know any way to make a bash script to start Rcmdr directly widthout 
> need to open R and execute library(Rcmdr)?
> I try to make this using R CMD BATCH somethink, but dont find the way.

$ r -lRcmdr -e'while(TRUE) Sys.sleep(1)'

where r is the binary from our littler tool.  This loads the Rmcdr
package with the -l | --library switch abnd then evals a simple loop
to keep running.  You need to kill that loop with Crtrl-c at the end.


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