[R] Fatal error: you must specify '--save', '--no-save' or '--vanilla'

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Mon Mar 3 12:27:07 CET 2008

Andreas Maunz wrote:
> Hi, I get the above error when starting my program with rake (ruby make) 
> instead of manual startup (which works as expected).
> It happens on R initialization with "REmbeddedPostgres --gui=none 
> --silent" as arguments (this is part of my way of embedding R in a C 
> application using libR.so). Any help would be appreciated!
That message means that R thinks it is being run non-interactively, 
which sounds appropriate in your case.  Choose one of the options.

You'll also inappropriately get the message when running R in some 
shells that don't look like consoles to R.  Then the right solution is 
to use --ess (which tells R that despite what it sees, it really is 
being run interactively.)

> > So you have not tried to add one of the mentioned flags?
> I did, actually! ;-)
> Increasing the options to "REmbeddedPostgres --no-save --gui=none 
> --silent" results in the following:
> Error: syntax error in:
> "ironment <- function () .Internal(environment(NULL))
>      mkenv <- function() .Internal(new.env(TRUE, baseenv(), 29L"
That's because you're using an obsolete version of R, that doesn't 
support the integer constant 29L.

Duncan Murdoch

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