[R] Make plots with GNUplot. Have anyone tried that?

Gabor Csardi csardi at rmki.kfki.hu
Sat Mar 1 10:17:08 CET 2008

On Sat, Mar 01, 2008 at 12:54:56AM +0100, Louise Hoffman wrote:
> >  If you still want to then read ?write.table, that can export your data
> >  into a spreadsheet-like ascii format which can be used from GNUplot
> >  easily.
> Very interesting.
> So if I e.g. write:
> ts.sim <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = 0.7), n = 200)
> ts.plot(ts.sim)
> How do I know the names of the rows to put in the data.frame() command?

??? Which data.frame() command? 
(Btw. now you're trying to plot from R?)

> >  Btw, comparing the graphics capabilities of GNUplot and R, it is
> >  something like a three-wheel bicycle and a spaceship. Guess
> >  which is which.
> =) I know that I will most likely spend a lot of time on just making
> the plots, but I atleast (for now =) ) think it could be fun to try.

For you maybe, not for me. I'm lost, and I apologize, but I'll quit
the discussion here.


ps. i take back half of what i've said about GNUplot. It's a nice tool.
Still, IMHO, (in most cases) it makes no sense to export data from R and
plot it with GNUplot. 

Csardi Gabor <csardi at rmki.kfki.hu>    UNIL DGM

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