[R] subset with multiple criteria

jgarcia at ija.csic.es jgarcia at ija.csic.es
Mon Jun 23 18:32:36 CEST 2008

This should be theoretically very simple, but I dont get the elegant
answer (without looping).

I've got a long (thousands of rows) data frame:

> E.coor[1:10,]
     east   north       dat
1  582650 4248850 0.8316848
2  582750 4248850 0.7230272
3  582850 4248850 0.3250818
4  582950 4248850 0.6144006
5  583050 4248850 0.8706312
6  583150 4248850 0.2149651
7  583250 4248850 0.1659519
8  583350 4248850 0.2145174
9  583450 4248850 0.1615151
10 583550 4248850 0.9370766

and need to extract those with the coordinates coinciding with those in a
smaller data frame (about one hundred rows):

> subset.coor
     east   north
20 584550 4248850
21 584650 4248850
22 584750 4248850
23 584850 4248850
24 584950 4248850
25 585050 4248850

i.e, I need the ~ one hundred E.coor rows that appear in subset.coor

Could you help with this.

Best regards,

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