[R] How to return multiple values in a function

(Ted Harding) Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk
Mon Jun 23 11:37:36 CEST 2008

On 23-Jun-08 09:04:42, Wacek Kusnierczyk wrote:
> Hans-Joerg Bibiko wrote:
>> On 23 Jun 2008, at 10:23, Gundala Viswanath wrote:
>>> I apologize for this newbie question. But I can't seem
>>> to find in R online manual.
>>> 1. How can I return two values in a function?
>>> 2. How can I capture the values again of this function?
>>> myfunc <- function (array) {
>>>   # do something with array
>>>   # get something assign to "foo" and "bar"
>>>   print(foo)
>>>   print(bar)
>>>  # how can I return "foo" and "bar" ?
>>> }
>>> # Is this the way to capture it?
>>> (nfoo,nbar) <- myfunc(some_array)
>> One way would be :
>> myfunc <- function (array) {
>>   # do something with array
>>   # get something assign to "foo" and "bar"
>>   result <- c(foo, bar)
>>   return(result)
>>  # how can I return "foo" and "bar" ?
>> }
>> res <- myfunc(some_array)
>> res[1]
>> [1] "foo.stuff"
>> res[2]
>> [1] "bar.stuff"
> safer to wrap the results into a list;  if both foo and bar
> are vectors, the returned result would be *one* vector rather
> than a collection of two vectors. so the generic pattern would be:
> <function> = function(<args>) {
>     <body>
>     list(<values>)
> }
> ?return
> vQ

Gundala Viswanath original request about getting the result in
the form

  (nfoo,nbar) <- myfunc(some_array)

suggests inspiration from MatLab/octave. That's not how R syntax
handles it!

Wacek Kusnierczyk's suggestion of returning a list is certainly
safe and general. However, in particular cases it may well be
more convenient and manageable to use more specific structures.

If each of foo and bar is a single number, then there's nothing
wrong with c(foo,bar); and you can also name the components:
c(Foo=foo,Bar=bar). So you could access the components of the
result 'res' as res[1], res[2]; or, in the named case, as
res["Foo"], res["BAR"].

If foo and bar are vectors of the same type and length, then
again there's nothing wrong with returning cbind(foo,bar)
or rbind(foo,bar); likewise nameable. In the 'cbind' case,
you would access foo and bar as res[,1], res[,2] or as
res[,"Foo"], res[,"Bar"]. You might also prefer to return
a dataframe rather than a matrix:


and access them as res$Foo, res$Bar. This would also work
well if foo and bar were of the same length but not of the
same type (e.g. foo is a vector of numbers, bar a vector
of character strings).

If foo and bar are sufficiently different not to combine
conveniently as above, then you shuld definitely return a list.

For example, your function might fit a linear model and
also calculate predicted values, so you could have

  LM<-lm(....) ; foo<-summary(LM); bar<-LM$fit

and then you would return list(Foo=foo,Bar=bar) and then
access the summary as res$Foo, the predicted values as res$Bar.

Hoping this helps,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 23-Jun-08                                       Time: 10:37:34
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