[R] How to output glm summary to csv file

Chua Siang Li siang.li.chua at acceval-intl.com
Tue Jun 17 05:12:14 CEST 2008

   Hello there.  I am new to R.
   I want to output the coefficients and their significance value (Pr(>|z|)
   into a csv file.  I managed to do it for the "coefficients" but not their
   significances.  Pls help.  Thanks.
   mylogit<-      glm(response~price,      family=binomial(link="logit"),
   write.csv(c(mylogit$coefficients), file="result.csv")
   write.csv(I(summary(mylogit)), file="result.csv", append=T)  #neither does
   this shows Pr(>|z|)

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