[R] lsmeans

Dieter Menne dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Sat Jun 7 10:36:05 CEST 2008

John Fox <jfox <at> mcmaster.ca> writes:

> I intend at some point to extend the effects package to linear and
> generalized linear mixed-effects models, probably using lmer() rather
> than lme(), but as you discovered, it doesn't handle these models now.
> It wouldn't be hard, however, to do the computations yourself, using
> the coefficient vector for the fixed effects and a suitably constructed
> model-matrix to compute the effects; you could also get standard errors
> by using the covariance matrix for the fixed effects.

>> Douglas Bates:
My big problem with lsmeans is
that I have never been able to understand how they should be
calculated and, more importantly, why one should want to calculate
them.  In other words, what do lsmeans represent and why should I be
interested in these particular values?

Truly Confused, torn apart by the Masters


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