[R] R command history -- can it be like Matlab's?

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Wed Jul 30 09:37:37 CEST 2008

>>>>> "l" == losemind  <comtech.usa at gmail.com>
>>>>>     on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 12:23:36 -0700 (PDT) writes:

    l> Hi all,

    l> In R GUI window, if you use "up" and "down" key, you will be able to recall
    l> the previous and next command that has been used and stored in the command
    l> history cache.

    l> But there is one inconvenience:

as Prof. Ripley said already, this is only an inconvenience for
those who are used aka "addicted" to such behavior....

    l> In Matlab, you can type the first a few characters of the command that you
    l> previously used, 

    l> and then press “up" key, you will be able to get to that previous command
    l> very fast,

    l> no matter how long ago it has been used...

"no matter how long"?  ...
      as of "ten years ago" ? 
      	 ;-) ;-)

Anyway --- as nobody said so till now, and the vi-aficionados
have already raised the flag --- I'd like to remark that
the behaviour you desire has been the default behavior in ESS
(The "Emacs Speaks Statistics" plugin for Emacs,
 http://ess.r-project.org/ ) for many months now.

    l> In R GUI, there is no such functionality.

    l> Any thoughts on making R work my productivity?

leaving R GUI for ESS  :-) :-)

For Windows, there's a very nice package of Emacs, bundled with
ESS (and AucTeX, *the* recommended LaTeX plugin for Emacs)
thanks to Vincent Goulet, at

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

    l> ----------------------

    l> Also where do I find good debugger for R?

    l> Thanks!

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