[R] Formatting Syntax when Merging
Jia Ying Mei
jiamei at Princeton.EDU
Thu Jul 24 19:13:26 CEST 2008
I've merged the attached two data sets, generating a final merged data
set, but when I review this merged data, the dates are not in the
correct order. I know that this can be solved by using something like
fmt<-"%m/%d/%y", but where should this go in the commands below?
> Countrydata<-read.table("Desktop/R/Countrydata.txt", head=T, sep="\t")
> Dates<-read.table("Desktop/R/CDSdate.txt", head=T, sep="\t")
> Merged<-merge(Dates, Countrydata, all.x=T)
> edit(Merged)
Also, I thought all.x=T was supposed to fill in every missing value with
a NA? Why does it fill in NA for some and <NA> for others? Also, when I
use the edit function, those with <NA> do not appear. Is this to
distinguish between filled-in NAs and NAs in the data?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Jia Ying Mei
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