[R] Coefficients of Logistic Regression from bootstrap - how to get them?

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Wed Jul 23 03:46:55 CEST 2008

On 23/07/2008, at 1:17 PM, Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:

> Michal Figurski wrote:
>> Hmm...
>> It sounds like ideology to me. I was asking for technical help. I  
>> know what I want to do, just don't know how to do it in R. I'll go  
>> back to SAS then. Thank you.
>> -- 
>> Michal J. Figurski
> You don't understand any of the theory and you are using techniques  
> you don't understand and have provided no motivation for.  And you  
> are the one who is frustrated with others.  Wow.

	Come off it guys.  It is indeed very frustrating when one asks ``How  
can I do X''
	and gets told ``Don't do X, do Y.''  It may well be the case that  
doing X is
	wrong-headed, misleading, and may cause the bridge to fall down, or  
the world to
	come to an end.  Fair enough to point this out --- but then why not  
just tell
	the poor beggar, who asked, how to do X?

	The only circumstance in which *not* telling the poor beggar how to  
do X is
	justified is that in which it takes considerable *work* to figure  
out how to
	do X.  In this case it is perfectly reasonable to say ``I think  
doing X is
	stupid so I am not going to waste my time figuring out for you how  
to do it.''

	I don't know enough about the bootstrapping software (don't know  
	about it actually) to know whether the foregoing circumstance  
applies here.
	But I suspect it doesn't.  And I suspect that you (Frank) could tell  
Michal in
	a few lines the answer to the question that he *asked* (as opposed,  
	to the question that he should have asked).

	If it were my problem I'd just write my own bootstrapping function  
to apply
	to the problem in hand.  It can't be that hard ... just a for loop  
and a
	call to sample(...,replace=TRUE).

	If you can write macros in SAS then .....



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