[R] Functions similar to step() and all.effects() that work for lme() objects?

Jon Zadra zadra at virginia.edu
Fri Jul 18 21:11:43 CEST 2008


I make frequent use of the *step()* and, for plotting, *all.effects() 
*functions for *lm()* objects.  I am now doing more with *lme()* random 
effects models, and haven't been able to find functions similar to 
*step()* or *all.effects()* which will accept *lme()* objects.  Do 
similar functions for either exist?  If someone could point me in the 
right direction it would be much appreciated.


Jon Zadra
Department of Psychology
University of Virginia
P.O. Box 400400
Charlottesville VA 22904
(434) 982-4744
email: zadra at virginia.edu

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