[R] Ignore blank columns when reading a row from a table

Bernardo Rangel Tura tura at centroin.com.br
Sun Jul 6 17:07:05 CEST 2008

Em Ter, 2008-07-01 às 13:49 -0400, naw3 at duke.edu escreveu:
> Hi,
> I am extracting data from a table where the rows have different column lengths,
> and empty columns have NA in them. Whenever I extract a row with some empty
> columns, the resulting vector carries all the NAs. Is there a way to ignore the
> empty columns?
> Thanks,
> -Nina


You can use scan() and argument what, if necessary you can use the
argument fill=T to solve a diferent coluns length.
use ?scan to get help

Bernardo Rangel Tura, M.D,MPH,Ph.D
National Institute of Cardiology

P.S. I learn this tip read: "Data Manipulation with R"

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