[R] Need Advice with C# Program to Create and Display Cusum Chart

ngottlieb at marinercapital.com ngottlieb at marinercapital.com
Fri Jan 25 15:36:33 CET 2008

I need to write a C# program to create and display Cusum chart from any
of the packages,
spc, qcc or strucchange.


1-The data resides in a MS SQL Database. The C# program will handle
  obtaining the data for the requisite types of samples.

Assistance needed on:
1-How can I call the cusum capabilities of any of the above packages
  and pass the data to the cusum function and plot?

2-How can from the C# program, obtain the returned data
  and display the plotted chart in my C# program?

3- Displaying the chart in the C# program and allowing it to be saved is

Goal is to make this all transparent to my end users.
Each user will have their own instantiation of R on their PC.

Any advice on best approach would be appreciated. I am looking at
"Writing R Extensions" doc however a jump start or other
References to doing this within the .net framework would be helpful.


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