[R] cursor position on image

Peter Hietz peter.hietz at boku.ac.at
Tue Jan 8 16:52:38 CET 2008


I am using the EBImage package for image display and analysis and want to read the cursor (mouse) position on the image. The function "locator()" would be ideal, but this appears to work only on plots, not images. 

> a <- Image((0:(w^2))/w^2, c(w,w))
> if ( interactive() ) display(a)
> locator(n = 10, type = "p")
Error in locator(n = 10, type = "p") : plot.new has not been called yet

Is there a similar function that works with dispalyed images ?

Thanks, Peter

Peter Hietz
Institute of Botany
University of Natural Resources 
and Applied Life Sciences
Gregor Mendel-Str.33
1180 Vienna, Austria
tel: +43-1-47654-3154
fax: +43-1-47654-3180
email: peter.hietz at boku.ac.at

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