[R] Is there anyone in charge of package wmtsa ?
mauede at alice.it
mauede at alice.it
Fri Dec 12 06:53:30 CET 2008
Here is another occurrence of wmTSA internal error.
My time series is a short breathing cycle (2425-Cyle_9.txt).
Since wmtsa functions that extract extrema seem to expect longer series than I have, I tried the folowing two tricks:
1) I prolong the 1-cycle series on both ends through duplicating the first value (on the left end( and the last value on the right end as any ties as the
1-cycle series length. Then I apply CWT to such prolonged series and then obtain the maxima trees and the peaks as follows:
aal <- rep (aa[1], length(aa))
aar <- rep (aa[length(aa)], length(aa))
aa3 <- c(aal,aa,aar)
aa3ts <- create.signalSeries(aa3, pos=list(from=0.0, by=0.033)) #CONVERT AMPLITUDE INTO TIME-SERIES
aa3.cwt <- wavCWT(aa3ts) #CWT
aa3.maxtree <- wavCWTTree (aa3.cwt, type="maxima") # GENERATE CWT MAXIMA TREE
aa3.maxpeak <- wavCWTPeaks (aa3.maxtree) #GET MAXIMUM PEAKS
Notice that in this case the generated tree (Bad-Tree-Configuration) has only 4 branches. I believe this may cause the error I get when I try to get the maxime:
> aa3.maxpeak <- wavCWTPeaks (aa3.maxtree)
Error in `row.names<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, value = c("1", "0")) :
invalid 'row.names' length
2) I prolong the 1-cycle series on both ends through replicating the series 3 times. Then I apply CWT to such prolonged series and then obtain the maxima trees and the peaks as follows:
aa3 <- c(aa,aa,aa)
aa3ts <- create.signalSeries(aa3, pos=list(from=0.0, by=0.033)) #CONVERT AMPLITUDE INTO TIME-SERIES
aa3.cwt <- wavCWT(aa3ts) #CWT
aa3.maxtree <- wavCWTTree (aa3.cwt, type="maxima") # GENERATE CWT MAXIMA TREE
aa3.maxpeak <- wavCWTPeaks (aa3.maxtree) #GET MAXIMUM PEAKS
Notice that in this case the generated tree (Good-Tree-Configuration) has 6 branches. This way the peaks are regularly found. No error is printed out:
> aa3.maxpeak <- wavCWTPeaks (aa3.maxtree)
Any comment on the above weird behavour is welcome. Thank you so much.
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