[R] making sense of posterior statistics in the deal package

Aaron Tarone atarone at usc.edu
Fri Dec 5 01:35:05 CET 2008

    I'm doing bayesian network analyses with the deal package.  I am at a loss for how to interpret output from the analysis (i.e. what is a good score, what is a bad score, which stats tell me what about the network edges/nodes).

Here is an example node with its posterior scores for all parent nodes.

Conditional Posterior: Yp1| 3  4  5  6  9  11  12  15  18  
              [,1]        [,2]       [,3]        [,4]       [,5]        [,6]
 [1,]  138.0000000 -201.944190 -61.827901 -29.5419149 11.7780877 -56.1691436
 [2,] -201.9441898  379.014299 101.336606  49.2886631 -9.5976678  99.0119458
 [3,]  -61.8279013  101.336606  55.301879  18.3175413  0.4718180  31.7741275
 [4,]  -29.5419149   49.288663  18.317541  18.5074653  0.7297184  14.7963722
 [5,]   11.7780877   -9.597668   0.471818   0.7297184 11.9705940  -0.1152971
 [6,]  -56.1691436   99.011946  31.774127  14.7963722 -0.1152971  33.0750507
 [7,]   11.8398168  -11.819652   2.372613   2.4241871  8.3525307  -0.5909911
 [8,]  -15.8233513   27.136706  13.261521  10.3380918  5.2238205  10.7721059
 [9,]  -63.0844071  112.477658  36.867027  18.7342207  1.8345119  32.6573681
[10,]   -0.9125676    0.892410   3.995155   3.3759532  5.2495044   4.8010982
             [,7]       [,8]       [,9]      [,10]
 [1,]  11.8398168 -15.823351 -63.084407 -0.9125676
 [2,] -11.8196521  27.136706 112.477658  0.8924099
 [3,]   2.3726129  13.261521  36.867027  3.9951552
 [4,]   2.4241871  10.338092  18.734221  3.3759532
 [5,]   8.3525307   5.223821   1.834512  5.2495044
 [6,]  -0.5909911  10.772106  32.657368  4.8010982
 [7,]  11.7576987   5.339882   1.364748  4.5801216
 [8,]   5.3398823  17.269931  14.659995  6.8871204
 [9,]   1.3647480  14.659995  43.586099  4.5549556
[10,]   4.5801216   6.887120   4.554956 11.1188844

[1] 5.395758

 [1] -0.151400686  0.459786917 -0.091988847 -0.009952914  0.074523419
 [6]  0.215198198 -0.010968581 -0.026347501  0.423837846 -0.018999184

[1] 147

Any help you can give me is greatly appreciated.

Aaron Tarone

Aaron Tarone
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Molecular and Computational Biology Program
University of Southern California
atarone at usc.edu
(213) 740-3063

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