[R] How to optimize this codes ?

William Dunlap wdunlap at tibco.com
Thu Dec 4 18:58:50 CET 2008

   [R] How to optimize this codes ?
   Daren Tan daren76 at hotmail.com
   Thu Dec 4 17:02:49 CET 2008

   How to optimize the for-loop to be reasonably fast for
sample.size=100000000 ? 
   You may want to change sample.size=1000 to have an idea what I am
   A <- matrix(sample(0:1, sample.size, TRUE), ncol=10,
dimnames=list(NULL, LETTERS[1:10]))
   B <- list()
   for(i in 1:10) { 
     B[[i]] <- apply(combn(LETTERS[1:10], i), 2, function(x) {
sum(apply(data.frame(A[,x]), 1, all)) })

Instead computing all(A[row,x]) each row of the matrix by looping
over the rows you could loop over the columns.  That is generally
quicker if there are many more rows than columns.  S+ and R have
functions called pmin and pmax that do this for min and max, but
no pany or pall functions.  In your 0/1 case all is the same as min
so you can replace
     apply(data.frame(A[,x]), 1, all)
     sum(do.call("pmin", unname(A[,x,drop=FALSE])))
after first converting A to a data.frame before starting to compute B.
(The do.call/unname combo is a hack to pass all the columns of a
as separate arguments to a function.  If pmin took a list that wouldn't
be necessary.)

When you do timings, looking at one size of problem often isn't helpful,
as it doesn't tell you how the time depends on the size of the input.
relationship often is not linear.  E.g., I put your method in a function
called computeB0 and my modification of it into computeB1 and wrote a
that makes an A matrix with a given sample.size.  Here are the times, it
like 1000 is below the linear range for this example:

sample.size       time:computeB0   time:computeB1
       1000                 5.36             0.98
      10000                36.82             2.49
     100000               381.34            18.97

and here are the functions used

makeA <-
   A<-matrix(sample(0:1,size=sample.size,replace=TRUE), ncol=10,
dimnames=list(NULL, LETTERS[1:10]));
computeB0 <-
  for(i in 1:10) {
    B[[i]] <- apply(combn(LETTERS[1:10], i), 2, function(x) {
sum(apply(data.frame(A[,x]), 1, all)) })
computeB1 <-
  for(i in 1:10) {
    B[[i]] <- apply(combn(LETTERS[1:10], i), 2,
                  FUN=function(x) { sum(do.call("pmin",
unname(A[,x,drop=FALSE]))) }

You could probably same more time by restructuring this as a recursive
still operating on columns, that traversed the binary tree of column
I just wanted to point out the advantage of looping over columns instead
of looping over

sample.size=1e8 is pretty big for a 32-bit machine.  You may have to do
like make A a data.frame (with integer columns) from the start to keep
the memory
requirements down.

Putting the call to data.frame() inside a nested set of apply loop is a
of time.

Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software Inc - Spotfire Division
wdunlap tibco.com 

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