[R] how to override/replace a function in a package namespace?

Henrik Bengtsson hb at stat.berkeley.edu
Tue Aug 19 01:29:46 CEST 2008


see reassignInPackage() of R.utils - that's where the code snipped
comes from.  I wrote that so that I could patch/optimize certain
function (before they where patch in the public release).  I haven't
used it to patch S4 methods, so I don't know it will work for them.
Here is an example of how to use it:

> library(R.utils);
> orgQuit <- base::quit;
> myQuit <- function(...) { cat("QUITTING R!\n"); orgQuit(...); }
> reassignInPackage("quit", pkgName="base", myQuit);
> quit()
Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: c
> quit
function(...) { cat("QUITTING R!\n"); orgQuit(...); }
<environment: namespace:base>
function (save = "default", status = 0, runLast = TRUE)
.Internal(quit(save, status, runLast))
<environment: namespace:base>

Note that in order for reassignInPackage() to work there must be an
existing object that is replace, hence the prefix "reassign".

Maybe this will help you


On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 8:10 AM, Ben Bolker <bolker at ufl.edu> wrote:
> Henrik Bengtsson <hb <at> stat.berkeley.edu> writes:
>> The few times I want to patch a function like this, I use:
>>   unlockBinding(name, env);
>>   assignInNamespace(name, value, ns=pkgName, envir=env);
>>   assign(name, value, envir=env);
>>   lockBinding(name, env);
>> /Henrik
>  OK, I admit that I don't get it.
>  I eventually managed to figure out that I needed the
> environment corresponding to getNamespace("package")
> in this case, not the one corresponding to
> as.environment("package"), but I still seem to
> be doing something wrong (perhaps I'm following the
> recipe too mindlessly).
>  The goal here is to replace a bit of code
> that uses parent.frame(2) with parent.frame(1) --
> that's what my "rjhack.file" does.
> tstf <- function() {
>  print(environment(jags))
>  a = grep("get,",deparse(jags),value=TRUE)  ## parent.frame(2)
>  length(grep("1",a))>0
> }
> library(R2jags)
> tstf()
> rjhack.file <- "~/lib/R/pkgs/mixstock/pkg/inst/myjags.R"
> source(rjhack.file)  ## read hacked version into global workspace
> tstf()
> RJ <- getNamespace("R2jags")
> ## attempt to replace package version with hacked version ...
> unlockBinding("jags", RJ)
> assignInNamespace("jags",jags,ns="R2jags", envir=RJ)
> assign("jags", jags, envir=RJ)
> lockBinding("jags",RJ)
> rm(jags) ## get rid of global copy
>  I'm beginning to feel it would be a lot easier
> to build my own local copy of the package ... in
> what way am I being a bonehead?
> library(fortunes)
> gsub("S4 methods","namespaces",fortune("S4")[1])
>  thanks
>    Ben Bolker
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