[R] thematic map of USA

John P. Burkett burkett at uri.edu
Mon Aug 4 19:14:23 CEST 2008

My goal is to prepare a thematic map of the US, with states shaded 
according to their values for a variable of interest.  I would like to 
include an inset for Alaska in the upper left and an inset for Hawaii in 
the lower left. If possible, I'd like to use Albers conic projection, or 
something similar.  Thus far I have tried using the maps package with 
its state database (which omits Alaska and Hawaii) and the gmaps package 
(which places an inset for Alaska in the lower left and uses a 
projection [Miller cylindrical?] that distorts states along the northern 
and southern fringe). I would be very grateful for suggestions about 
alternative approaches.

John P. Burkett
Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
and Department of Economics
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881-0808

phone (401) 874-9195

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