[R] resolution (dpi) problem

Ben Bolker bolker at ufl.edu
Sun Apr 27 20:05:58 CEST 2008

  Slightly off-topic, but I have been slightly surprised
in recent years at how much trouble I have with the
graphics people at journals -- I have been asked for
TIFF files when I submit PDF, PostScript instead of
PDF, TIFF instead of PNG ... I can do most of these
things by regenerating the figure or using ImageMagick,
ps2pdf,pdf2ps, etc., but it really surprises me that the graphics
departments of major academic publishers don't seem to
be able to translate between standard,
well-behaved vector formats and bitmaps, or between
different kinds of standard bitmaps.

  Maybe they (a) want to save time by making sure 
authors do these conversions or (b) don't have their
experts on the front desk ... ?

   Ben Bolker

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