[R] means and variances of several groups in the matrix

Julian Burgos jmburgos at u.washington.edu
Fri Apr 25 02:35:44 CEST 2008

Hy Katie,

There are many ways to do this.  A simple one is to create a vector of 
the same length than your 'x' vector, containing a group label.

 > group=rep(c(1,2,3),times=nr[1,])

Then you can use tapply to apply a function (in this case mean and 
variance) of the values of x within each group.

 > means=tapply(x,group,mean)
 > vars=tapply(x,group,var)

 > means
           1           2           3
-0.14711206  0.28314274 -0.07861427
 > vars
         1         2         3
1.4584971 0.3611996 0.6300624


kathie wrote:
> Dear R users, 
> I have 32 observations in data x.  After sorting this, I want to compute
> means and variances of 3 groups divided by "nr".
> Actually, the number of groups is flexible.  Any suggestion will be greatly
> appreciated. 
> Kathryn Lord
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> x=rnorm(32)
> y=sort(x)
> nr=matrix(c(12,11,10,10,10,11),2,3)
>> nr
>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
> [1,]   12   10   10    -> sum=32
> [2,]   11   10   11    -> sum=32
> For the 1st row in "nr", index of y = (1,..,12,   13,...,23,   24,...32)
> I want to compute means and variances for 3 groups 
> (1st group is 1 through 12; 2nd group is 13-23; 3rd group is 24-32)
> For the 2nd row in "nr", index of y = (1,..,11,   12,...,22,   23,...32)
> also, I want to compute means and variances for 3 groups 
> (1st group is 1 through 11; 2nd group is 12-22; 3rd group is 23-32)

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