[R] Import_from_outputfile

Ole Roessler o.roessler at giub.uni-bonn.de
Wed Apr 23 15:29:36 CEST 2008

   I want to do some analyses with data originating from a hydrological model
   that are saved in multiple output files.
   I  want  to  import  the  output-files  in  R without a treatment like
   preproceesing every output file.
   The output file is more or less a matrix, but with additional rows in the
   header, describing the type of data.
   My question is:
   1. Is there a possibility to skip the rows or start with a certain row?
   I want to exclude row 2 and 3, so the first line become the header of the
   list below.
   This is the beginning of the output file to be imported.
   YY    MM    DD    HH    "1"    "2"    "3"    "4"    "5"    tot_average
   total runoff [mm per zone] (sum of QB, QI und QD)_submodel:unsatzon_model
   --    --    --    --    0.1466624    0.2958042    0.2225048    0.2279085
   0.1071202    1.0000
   2001     1     1     1    0.055242    0.037391    0.051550    0.057681
   0.021070    0.046036
   2001     1     1     2    0.051288    0.032404    0.047027    0.056636
   0.021070    0.042736
   2001     1     1     3    0.052491    0.032937    0.048042    0.058415
   0.021070    0.043701
   2001     1     1     4    0.051389    0.032508    0.047136    0.056663
   0.021070    0.042812
   2001     1     1     5    0.050730    0.032263    0.046599    0.055585
   0.021070    0.042278
   Would be a great help if there is a possibility.
   Thank you very much !
   best regards



   Ole Rößler 

   PhD - student 

   Climatology and Landscape-Ecology Research Group 

   Department of Geography 

   University of Bonn 

   Postal Address: 

   Meckenheimer Allee 166 

   53115 Bonn 



   Tel.:  +49-(0)228-737895 

   Fax.: +49-(0)228-737506 


   Email: [1]o.roessler at giub.uni-bonn.de




   1. mailto:o.roessler at giub.uni-bonn.de
   2. http://www.giub.uni-bonn.de/loeffler/people/people_sites/roessler.htm

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