[R] Reading an ArcGIS raster file

Jens Oldeland oldeland at gmx.de
Sat Apr 5 14:53:35 CEST 2008

 > How can I read and plot an ArcGIS raster file into R ?

Hi Juliane,

I think what you are looking for is something like a function in the 
"adehabitat" package called "import.asc". First you need to convert your 
raster images in ArcGIS to ascii files. You have to use the conversion 
toolbox --> from raster to --> raster to ascii in ArcGIS.

see also:

afterwards apply the image.asc function.

this might help you out:

this allows to import your raster files and use it for calculations.
are you sure about your floating point data? or are there only "some" 
digits after the "." ?

hope this helped?


 > --------------------------------------------------------
 > Jens Oldeland
 > Universität Hamburg
 > Biozentrum Klein Flottbek
 > Ohnhorststr. 18
 > 22605 Hamburg
 > Tel.: +0049-(0)40-42816-407
 > Fax: +0049-(0)40-42816-539
 > Email: Oldeland at botanik.uni-hamburg.de
 > Email: Jens.Oldeland at dlr.de
 > Web: http://www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de/bzf/fbda005/fbda005_e.htm
 > --------------------------------------------------------

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