[R] Network Construction in R

Johannes Urpelainen jurpelai at umich.edu
Sun Sep 23 17:39:40 CEST 2007


I am trying to construct a social network from a data frame with rows

        acra numa acrb numb year    expab eabo    impab iabo
10       USA    2  CAN   20 1957 4017.000  0.0 3187.000  0.0
91       USA    2  CUB   40 1957  628.000  0.0  526.000  0.0
144      USA    2  HAI   41 1957   25.000  0.0   20.000  0.0

and so on.

I want the network to have directed edges from node acra to node acrb 
weighted by expab. What is the most convenient way to construct this 
network object?

Thank you very much!


Johannes Urpelainen

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