[R] Title and labelos in ggplot2

Julien Barnier jbarnier at ens-lsh.fr
Wed Sep 12 14:55:08 CEST 2007


I am new to the ggplot2 package and I am stuck with something which
must be quite basic : I can't manage to change the x and y axis labels
when I don't use the qplot command. I manged to change the main title
by modifying the title element of the ggplot object, but I can't find
the elements for the axis labels.

Here is my code :

p <- ggplot(d03, aes(x=cs,y=taille)) + geom_hline(data=temp.df) + geom_boxplot() + facet_grid(.~sexe) 
p$title <- "Wonderful title"

Thanks in advance for any help.

Julien Barnier
Groupe de recherche sur la socialisation
ENS-LSH - Lyon, France

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