[R] How to extract part of an array?

Lauri Nikkinen lauri.nikkinen at iki.fi
Wed Sep 5 09:20:50 CEST 2007


How can I extract part of an array? I would like to extract table
Supported from this array. If this is not possible, how do I convert
array to list? I'm sorry this is not an reproducible example.

> spl <- tapply(temp$var1, list(temp$var2, temp$var3, temp$var3), mean)
> spl
, , Supported

               07       08
A        68.38710 71.48387
B        21.67742 20.83871
C        55.74194 61.12903
AL L     26.19816 27.39631

, , Not_supported

         07       08
A        NA 82.38710
B        NA 24.00000
C        NA 68.77419
ALL      NA 29.97984


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