[R] How to choose 3 random numbers from 1 up to 9?

Gavin Simpson gavin.simpson at ucl.ac.uk
Fri Nov 30 20:55:21 CET 2007

Ettinger, Nicholas wrote:
> Hello all,
> For the not-so-deeply-mathematically/statistically-literate, what is the
> simplest command with which to choose three "random" numbers from the
> integer list 1 up to 9?


as in

 > sample(1:9, 3) # your result may vary!
[1] 4 7 1

or, if you need replacement, set argument replacement = TRUE

Also, look at ?set.seed for a way to make sure you get the same set of 
pseudorandom numbers of reproducibility of your work is required.



> After reading the ".Random.seed" help page along with several others, it
> seems like the one simple choice might be:
> round(rnorm(1:3,4.5,1))
> ??
> Any thoughts? Suggestions or better ideas most welcome!
> Thank you.
> --Nick Ettinger
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  Dr. Gavin Simpson             [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
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