[R] lme object manipulation

SHIN LIN slina at jhmi.edu
Tue Nov 27 02:49:38 CET 2007


I have an lme object, say lme_res2,  which was generated using the varIdent.  I'm trying to extract the double 1.532940 from the object, but I can't find it by attributes(lme_res2) or attributes(summary(lme_res2)).  How can I pull it out (so that I can save it to another variable)?  Thanks.
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
  Data: dat
  Log-restricted-likelihood: 22.3213
  Fixed: express1 ~ race * thaps + race * tuni
(Intercept)        race       thaps        tuni  race:thaps   race:tuni
 7.00034057 -0.02675202 -0.05687972  0.01265845 -0.03859781 -0.11248439
Random effects:
 Formula: ~1 | fam
StdDev:   0.1131353
 Formula: ~1 | twin %in% fam
StdDev:   0.1740635
 Formula: ~1 | thaw %in% twin %in% fam
        (Intercept)  Residual
StdDev:   0.1177579 0.1182267
Variance function:
 Structure: Different standard deviations per stratum
 Formula: ~1 | race
 Parameter estimates:
       0        1
1.000000 1.532940
Number of Observations: 218
Number of Groups:
                    fam           twin %in% fam thaw %in% twin %in% fam
                     33                      66                     102

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