[R] alternative to logistic regression

Terry Therneau therneau at mayo.edu
Fri Nov 16 17:33:55 CET 2007

Brian Ripley wrote
 "Hmm ... I think you are generalizing from another R-like system."
  Actually no, I was reading R source code that has no comments, and assumed 
incorrectly that 1. the variable "okLinks" was the list of allowed links and 
that 2. the error message further in the code
  	"... available links are 'logit', 'probit', 'cloglog', 'cauchit', 'log'
was accurate.

  Nevertheless, I should have tested my suggestion more thoroughly before I 
posted it.  The step halving that I now see in glm.fit is a welcome addition, 
but does not completely abrogate the fitting issues that can arise.
    Terry T.

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