[R] test for existance of a method for given class

William Valdar valdar at well.ox.ac.uk
Wed Nov 14 11:37:19 CET 2007

Dear All,

I want to test whether a method exists for given object. For example, 
whether a function "deviance" is defined for an object of the "lm" class.

My imperfect understanding leads me to think something like

  hasMethod("deviance", object)
  hasMethod("deviance", "lm")
  existsMethod("deviance", signature(class="lm"))

or similar might work (I don't fully understand how to manipulate 
signatures), but all the variations on this I have tried return FALSE. 
(Except, interestingly, when I first load library lme4, after which all 
return TRUE even for non-existant classes and functions).

I realize there are several ways in which R implements function 
polymorphism and that this is all documented somewhere but a hint would 
save me considerable time. I would also prefer not to resort to the hack 
solution of try()ing the function with the object and then catching the 
error to determine whether it was defined.



Dr William Valdar               ++44 (0)1865 287 589
Wellcome Trust Centre           valdar at well.ox.ac.uk
for Human Genetics, Oxford      www.well.ox.ac.uk/~valdar

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