[R] Odp: cor.test() and binary sequences

Petr PIKAL petr.pikal at precheza.cz
Tue Nov 13 10:24:01 CET 2007

andrew collier <digitalpenis at bluebottle.com> napsal dne 13.11.2007 

> peter, thanks for your help with my questions regarding cor.test(). i 
> another question though: does this function make any assumptions about 
> underlying distribution of the two sequences? does it assume that they 
have a 
> gaussian distribution?

for answering this question I would need to consult docummentation and/or 
source code what you you can do also.

> i ask because the data that i am working with is two binary sequences. 
> series of 0 and 1. will the confidence intervals and p-values generated 
> cor.test() still apply?

I have no idea as I am chemist and I use statistics mainly for evaluating 
my results. Therefore my knoledge of satistics are somewhat limited. If I 
had a new problem which I had not solved yet I would took some statistics 
textbook and try to find similar problem its solution and then I would try 
to mimic it in R.


> cheers,
> andrew.
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