[R] fisher.test, chisq.test

Denis Aydin Denis.Aydin at stud.unibas.ch
Fri Nov 9 19:20:41 CET 2007


I want to analyse a contigency table (3 x 12) with a fisher.test
beacause there are cells that are less than 5.

        Ämmen Anken Baf Belchen Höchi Hof Porti Räm Schmutz Schön Sissa Tann
class14     7    26 150       2    46  68   126  66       3    31     7   61
class24     7     6  55       5    49  71    93  90       1    18    16   79
class34     1     1   4       3    19   8    29  61       4     4     5   37

So in made a matrix and used


But then this error occurs:

Fehler in fisher.test(classtable4) : FEXACT error 7.
LDSTP is too small for this problem.
Try increasing the size of the workspace.

Well I then increased the workspace:

>fisher.test(classtable4, workspace=1e8)

But then the same error occurs.

Do someone knows an alternative to the fisher.test or the chisq.test?

Thank you very much!

All the best,

PS: I use R 2.6.0-patched on a PC with Windows XP.

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