[R] correct wording and notation for R stuff in LaTex

Katharine Mullen kate at few.vu.nl
Fri Nov 2 13:18:26 CET 2007

If you are free to format your references to packages and functions as you
please, you might follow the convention used by the Journal of Statistical

you can do this by adding the following to your latex file:

\newcommand{\pkg}[1]{{\normalfont\fontseries{b}\selectfont #1}}

then you can refer to R as \proglang{R}, to packages with e.g.,
\pkg{packagename} and to functions/other code as \code{functionname}.

On Thu, 1 Nov 2007, Edna Bell wrote:

> Hi R Gurus:
> I'm putting together an article about some R stuff in Latex.
> I refer to packages and functions.
> I think that I use {\em} for packages and {\tt} for functions.
> Is that correct, please?
> Thank you in advance!
> Sincerely,
> Edna Bell
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