[R] plotting variable sections of hourly time series data using plot.zoo

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Thu May 31 16:28:24 CEST 2007

There seems to be an error in your names(DF) <- line so I just renamed the
first 4 fields.  Try this:

# Should be 3 lines in Lines.
Lines <- "YYYY MM DD HH    P-uk    P-kor   P-SME   EPOT    EREA     RO
    R1 R2      RGES   S-SNO     SI    SSM       SUZ    SLZ
 2003  1  1  1        0.385   0.456   0.021   0.000   0.000   0.000
0.013 0.223   0.235    0.01    0.38   74.72    0.96  736.51
 2003  1  1  2        0.230   0.275   0.028   0.000   0.000   0.000
0.012 0.223   0.235    0.03    0.56   74.72    0.94  736.37
DF <- read.table(textConnection(Lines), header = TRUE)
names(DF)[1:4] <- c("year", "month", "day", "hour")
z <- zoo(as.matrix(DF), with(DF,chron(paste(month,day,year,sep="/"))+hour/24))

On 5/31/07, Jan.Schwanbeck at hydrologie.unibe.ch
<Jan.Schwanbeck at hydrologie.unibe.ch> wrote:
> Dear list,
> I have to look examine hourly time - series and would like to plot variable
> section of them using plot.zoo.
> Hourly time series data which looks like this:
> YYYY MM DD HH    P-uk    P-kor   P-SME   EPOT    EREA     RO     R1
> R2      RGES   S-SNO     SI    SSM       SUZ    SLZ
>  2003  1  1  1        0.385   0.456   0.021   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.013
> 0.223   0.235    0.01    0.38   74.72    0.96  736.51
>  2003  1  1  2        0.230   0.275   0.028   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.012
> 0.223   0.235    0.03    0.56   74.72    0.94  736.37
> #With help of read.table I got  the data into R :
> DF <- read.table(file=fn,header=FALSE,skip=2)
> #Substitute the header:
> names(DF) <-
> c("year","month","day","hour","FN","Punc","Pcor","Pmelt","ETP","ETR","RS","RI","RB","Rtot","Ssnow","SI","SSM","SUZ","SLZ")
> #Create datetime vector
> library(chron)
> DF$datetime <- with(DF,chron(paste(month,day,year,sep="/"))+hour/24)
> #Try to convert DF into ts - object DFts
> DFts <- as.ts(DF)  # works, but gives back: Warning message: Class
> information of one or more columns was lost.???
> #Try to convert DF into zoo - object DFzoo
> library(zoo)
> DFzoo <- as.zoo(DFts)
> #Plot of whole time series skipping first 5 and last 3 columns
> plot.zoo(DFzoo[ ,6:ncol(myDFzoo-3)])
> # works, but  x-axis labels are numbers from 1 to ...last hour
> I would like to use plot.zoo  for plotting:
> -  the whole period (3years)  --> axis-labels month and year
> -  section of few days defining begin and end as date  --> axis-label day
> and month (may be hour)
> Afer long tries with "as.Date" and Co. I still didn't get any useful
> result.
> Further is there any possibility to define the plot window using two
> variables like:
> begin <- "22/2/2003 01:00:00"
> end <- "26/3/2003 07:00:00"
> to plot the time series section in between this two dates?
> I am even not sure if the zoo package was the right choise for my problem.
> Thanks a lot in advance
> Best regards
> Jan
> University of Berne
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