[R] creating txt file from data.frame

Taka Matzmoto sell_mirage_ne at hotmail.com
Mon May 28 05:34:54 CEST 2007

I need to create a txt file as input for another program using data.frame 

     Variable_name               Start End
[1,] "aaaaaaaaaaaaa"           "1"   "1"
[2,] "bbbbbbbbbbb"           "2"   "2"
[3,] "ccccccccccccc"           "3"   "6"
[4,] "ddddddddddd"          "7"   "10"
[5,] "eeeeeeeeeee"         "11"  "16"

the text file should look like below,
if the start and the end is the same, only put the start one in the txt 

aaaaaaaaaaaaa 1
bbbbbbbbbbb 2
ccccccccccccc 3-6
ddddddddddd 7-10
eeeeeeeeeee 11-16

Any help will be appreciated.


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