[R] How to check for existence url from within a function?

Heinz Tuechler tuechler at gmx.at
Sat May 26 13:13:15 CEST 2007

Dear All,

To check if an url exists, I can use try(). This works, as I expected, if I
do it directly, as in the first part of the following example, but I could
not find a way to do it from within a function, as in the second part.

Where could I find information on how to do this?


## set nonexisting url
url.string <- 'http://www.google.at/nonexist.html'

## first part
1 # to start with defined .Last.value
try(con.url <- url(url.string, open='rb'))
class.try.res <- class(.Last.value)
try.error <- class.try.res== 'try-error'
print(try.error)      # TRUE

## try() within a function
url.error <- function(url.string) {
  1 # to start with defined .Last.value
  try(con.url <- url(url.string, open='rb'))
  class.try.res <- class(.Last.value)
  try.error <- class.try.res== 'try-error'

## call the function
url.error(url.string)   # result -> FALSE

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